Scouts Australia offers a huge range of age-appropriate self-development activities and outdoor challenges to help boys and girls have fun and develop new skills, confidence and leadership abilities. This also allows young people to make friends outside of the school environment.
A full risk management approach is in place for all activities. Some activities, such as the flying fox, are only delivered by specialist teams and demonstrated skill levels are pre-requisite for many activities. For example, a Level 1 boating qualification is required for still water canoeing and kayaking.
As a scout you'll receive expert instruction in a wide variety of outdoor skills, together with the important basic theory to make sure you don't get lost and can deal with life's emergencies.
You’ll go on camps with a few friends or join thousands of boys and girls for fun and adventure at a national Jamboree.
Your confidence will build and you’ll learn how to make decisions and work as part of a team. In a small group called a Patrol, an older, more experienced Scout will be your Patrol Leader and help develop your skills. Weekly meetings are held to build up skill levels, play games and have fun and plan for weekend adventures. You’ll quickly become familiar with equipment and the right way to use it.
Your confidence will build and you’ll learn how to make decisions and work as part of a team. In a small group called a Patrol, an older, more experienced Scout will be your Patrol Leader and help develop your skills. Weekly meetings are held to build up skill levels, play games and have fun and plan for weekend adventures. You’ll quickly become familiar with equipment and the right way to use it.
There is a multi-level Award Scheme to keep you constantly pushing yourself to achieve your personal best. You can learn about lightweight camping, bush navigation, recognising and dealing with environmental dangers (like bushfires), water safety and heaps more… and yes, you'll learn how to tie some pretty useful knots!
click here to see the Scouts Award Scheme
Since Scouting began, young people have been connecting with the outdoors, learning from nature and taking positive action for their local and global environments. Today the world is facing many more environmental challenges than when Scouting started; therefore it is crucial to keep the environment central to Scouting and to ensure that Scouts are a positive force for change.
click here to see the Scouts Environment Charter