Parent information


Scouting encourages young people to become well rounded young adults who believe in their abilities  and future potential, who are well equipped to face lifes challenges, who are strong leaders as well as effective team players, and who can make a constructive contribution to the community in which they live.

The scout program is based on the wisdom of over a century of Scouting experience from around the world, combined with a dynamic and contempory approach which ensures that the program remains engaging and relevant to todays youth, their families and the wider community. Emphasising Peace, education and understanding. Scouting transcends all cultural, religious, racial, political, age and gender barriers. Scouts Australia also welcomes membership enquiries from those with intellectual or physical disabilities.
Children grow fast and revel in new activities. At a relatively young age they quickly become ready to look for new challenges beyond the family and school. Therefore, Scouts Australia encourages all its members to "Be Prepared..for new adventure"
'Adventure' means different things to children and young people. For example, for a Joey Scout, adventure could be as simple as their first night away from home or attempting an obstacle course. For Cub Scouts it might mean camping in tents, attending an event such as a cuboree, or tackling a half day bush walk. 
In Scouts children learn independent thinking, social interaction, leadership skills, problem solving and responsibility. Girls and boys are equally involved. As Scouts advance through the age based sections, developing independence, physical strength and reasoning they take on more responsibility for organising and running their own activities. Non competitive activities where children can develop at their own pace are terrific for building their self esteem and self confidence.
"The man who is blind to the beauties of Nature, has missed half the pleasures of life"
 Lord Robert Baden-Powell

A great milestone for children is when they learn to take responsibility for themselves and become concerned for others. Scouting provides an environment which fosters leadership and encourages tolerance, respect and consideration of others. Helping other people is an important aspect of the Scout Program and Scouts are encouraged to give back to the community by participating in local, national and international events and service projects.
Environmental awareness and care has been an integral part of scouting since it began in 1907. Numerous activities take place outdoors which gives young people a myriad of opportunities to connect with and make the most of the wonderfully diverse Australian environment. Every year, Scouts across Australia organise and participate in a huge number of environmental activities including erosion prevention works, energy and water saving projects, monitoring wildlife projects, tree planting and environmental training courses. Many groups are also involved with national events like Clean Up Australia day.
Scouts Australia Environment Charter
Click on a link below to read more about each age based section.
Cub scouts learn new skills by spending weekends camping and learning bushcraft. The collect special badges to demonstrate their skills and achievements.
SCOUTS (AGES 11 - 14)
Scouts allows boys and girls to develop their confidence and learn to work as part of a team. Scouts learn essential outdoor safety skills as well as participate in a variety of physically and intellectual activities.

Venturer Scouts is a do-it-yourself mix of fun, adventure and personal challenge that brings together like-minded young people aged 14 to 17 from all walks of life.

We offer your child a 4 week free trial to see if they like Scouting before you join. We are an Active Kids Rebate provider


The most successful Scout Groups are those where there is strong adult support. Scouts Australia volunteers are enthusiastic and dedicated men and women from all walks of life who share a love of adventure and a desire to enrich young people’s lives.
What many people don’t realise is that there are plenty of flexible ways adults can get involved with or contribute to their local Scout Group without making the time commitment required for a uniformed leadership role.